Effective January 1, 2022, California AB 506 requires that all administrators, employees and regular volunteers in California MUST have a one-time background check as approved by the California Department of Justice to exclude individuals with a history of child abuse. This form of background check requires live scan fingerprinting.
To clarify, a REGULAR VOLUNTEER is a person who has direct contact with children 16 hours a month or 32 hours per year, which applies to most coaches, referees, team parents, and board members who spend 2 or more hours on the field weekly.
This DOES NOT replace the Sterling Background Check. ALL volunteers are still required to complete the Sterling Background Check when they complete their volunteer application.
Live scans are not transferable between organizations, so if you have completed one for work or for another organization you are still required to complete one for AYSO. Live Scan only needs to be completed once. To register for an AYSO sponsored event or to complete the Live Scan on your own, click here: https://www.ApplicantServices.com/AYSO
Additionally, the law requires volunteers in youth organizations to complete child abuse and neglect reporting training. As a member of US Soccer, AYSO volunteers must now complete Safe Sport training. The link can be found on your volunteer page in your Sports Connect profile.The link is also available here: https://safesporttrained.org/?KeyName=tsVWe36Xa6PS3b5NzOug
Volunteers who do not have the Live Scan and Safe Sport Training complete will not be allowed to volunteer.
Youth volunteers under the age of 18 are exempt from taking Safe Sport Training, the Sterling Background Check, and Live Scan.